Unleashing the Power of Champions: A Guide to Supporting Key Players in B2B Sales

b2b sales licensing Jun 14, 2023

Venturing into B2B sales can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With the right guidance and knowledge, this journey can open doors to incredible opportunities. The secret to mastering B2B sales lies in nurturing connections, especially with a key 'champion' in the organization you're engaging with. Let us be your trusted guides, making the process straightforward and enlightening. We're here to light the way, transforming the complexities of B2B sales into an empowering and rewarding experience. Now's the time to take action and step confidently into the world of B2B sales with us by your side.


In this article, we expand on our recent podcast episodes with B2B sales expert, Emily Hall. Emily works with our clients to sell their licensed courses and trainings and she says the first step is in understanding key players in the buying process. 


Understanding The Role of Your Champion

The 'champion' is an individual within an organization who understands the industry you come from and the value you bring. They might have seen you speak before or experienced transformation through your product, making them eager to share it with their entire organization. The relationship with your champion could stem from various backgrounds, and its strength will significantly influence your ability to secure larger contracts.

Engaging and Supporting Your Champion

Once your champion expresses interest in introducing your program to influential members within their organization, it's crucial to strategize your next move carefully. Organize a meeting (face-to-face or virtual) with your champion to accomplish two things:

  1. Understand the problem: Ask your champion about the issue they aim to solve within their organization. Delve into what success means for them, the barriers they face, and who will influence and make the decision.

  2. Equip your champion: Provide them with talking points, value propositions, and language they need to approach the influencers and decision makers. Creating custom or standardized one-sheets can be helpful here. They can distribute these internally, ensuring consistency in presenting your product's benefits and details.

The goal is to make your champion look like a 'rockstar', positioning your product as a brilliant solution they have found. This approach enhances their confidence and conviction in sharing your program, while you demonstrate support and understanding of their organizational goals.

Understanding Other Roles and Influencers

Apart from your champion, a successful B2B deal requires you to understand and navigate through other roles within an organization, mainly the influencers and decision-makers.

  • Decision-makers: Depending on the size and structure of the organization, these could be C-level executives like CEO, COO, etc. They care about the broader business ecosystem, customer satisfaction, and organizational mission accomplishment. To win their approval, ensure your program aligns with these values.

  • Influencers: Typically, influencers comprise team members with specific insights into your program's area within the organization, finance representatives, IT, HR, or operations officials. Here's what they usually care about:

    • Finance: They worry about costs, payment flexibility, and the financial impact of your program. Demonstrating both the short-term and long-term value of your program can help gain their support.

    • Implementation Team: They are interested in the practical execution of your program. Emphasize the ease of use, support, and resources available to convince them that the implementation won't burden their existing workload.

    • Risk Management: Often represented by legal, finance, or HR, they ensure the program does not expose the organization to liability. Here, your credibility, authority, expertise, and program documentation will play an integral role.

Remember, success in B2B sales is about being a good listener, understanding organizational needs, and presenting your program as the best solution. With these strategies and insights, you are on your path to securing million-dollar B2B sales and licensing deals.


Want to license your programs to companies? Our team of experts is here to help you navigate every step with done with you and done for you support options. Apply to work with us at https://www.sweetlifeco.com or schedule a call to share your licensing goals https://aprilbeach.as.me/15


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