Online Resources For Experts, Coaches, Speakers and Consultants

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What is Content Licensing?

Content licensing is an innovative strategy that involves giving another company the ability to use or distribute your content. It's not about selling your content, but rather renting it. This means you retain ownership, while another organization benefits from the expertise and value your content offers. It's a concept not widely known in the broader business community, yet it holds substantial potential for those who embrace it.


The strategy is particularly relevant for established business subject matter experts, coaches, consultants, speakers and authors who have developed courses, trainings, or content over the years. These assets become even more valuable when shared through licensing. Imagine the time and effort it took to develop your unique processes and training programs. Other businesses recognize this value and, rather than starting from scratch, they prefer to leverage existing, proven content. Content licensing allows these businesses to tap into your expertise,...

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6 Steps to Grow an Online Business and Build an Empire Without Paid Ads

We were extremely lucky to chat with Lorraine Dallmeier about her journey into entrepreneurship and her six steps to building an online empire without using paid ads.

An award-winning CEO of formula Botanica, the organic cosmetic formulation, and business school, which has trained over 13,000 organic cosmetic formulators and ND beauty entrepreneurs in 177 countries.

She was voted the most influential person in natural beauty for 2020 and was awarded the digital achiever of the year for the cosmetics industry by Google.


Lorraine, can you give everybody an introduction, share who you are, how you started out, and explain this amazing online empire that you have built?

I'm Lorraine. I run formula Botanica, I'm a biologist, I'm a chartered environmentalist and I am on a mission to teach the world to formulate.

I run formula Botanica, the online organic cosmetic formulation school, training people how to make their own natural skincare and haircare using botanical ingredients.


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How To Plan Your Next Team Retreat to Grow Your Online Business

Have you been thinking about planning your own team retreat for your online business but are wondering how to not only make it fun but also beneficial to your business?

Here are my top three tips for planning your next team retreat.

I'm a big advocate of creating opportunities for my global team to come together; the ideas that we produce, the energy we create, and, frankly, the love, respect, and admiration we show for each other are just amazing!

So here are the steps that I think can help you to make the time that you've invested in spending together even more productive and frankly so much more fun than you ever imagined.


Set a primary objective.

These are working retreats and so as a leader, it's important to set the primary aims and objectives;

  • Where are we going?
  • What are we focusing on?
  • What are the goals of this particular short period of time together?

If you schedule for a five-day retreat, those five days are going to fly by in what feels like five hours so...

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Protect Her and We'll Protect You: World Oceans Day

Saturday is World Oceans Day

100% Sales from SweetLife Business System Program go to #surfriderfoundation today - and everyday!

(Yes! we do this 365 days a year actually!)

I grew up in a culture where life revolved around the ocean. When I was 6, my stepdad starting waking me at 5 am for #dawnpatrol We'd throw on our suits, grab our boards and bundle up in our sweats and Uggs, jump into the Jeep (top off) and drive into the foggy, dark California morning looking for the best waves.

As I got older I understood more about how the ocean affected everything we do and love. The good and the bad... and I learned how little most people actually know about it.

We'd watch newbie Hawaii tourists walking on the reefs and stealing her treasures, killing the water with oily lotions and leaving their garbage in the sand.

Many people love the idea of the ocean, more than the ocean itself. They love the sun, the water and the sunsets, but are not willing to sacrifice for her. They are takers, and...

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Xo, April