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We share our giving with you, so that you know when you invest in coaching through our business, you're also making positive change in the lives of others and the environment.



I believe I'm called to make a difference and it's my responsibility to support, advocate for, and enable the people and causes who need me the most.
-April Beach
Greatest Thinker: Environment 2011

100% Proceeds from our SweetLife Project Online Business Program, donated to nonprofits. 


  • 5% Business Bandwidth Granted in Strategy Consulting for Nonprofit Founders
  • Free Program Access  for Nonprofit Entrepreneurs
  • 5% Business Bandwidth Granted to Consulting Grass Roots Organizations and Activists
  • Volunteer Teaching High School Students Entrepreneurship
  • Volunteer Hours + Financial Support to Food and Water Watch
  • Child Sponsorship through Compassion International
  • Financial Support to Environmental Working Group EWG
  • Financial Support to Healthy Child Healthy World
  • Financial Support to the Surfrider Foundation


Online Business Roadmap, Videos, Launch Checklist and Worksheets.

I teach entrepreneurs to develop for-profit businesses that fit into their purpose, enable their lifestyle and make enough money to give it away.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."

- Margaret Mead


50% Complete

Two Step

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