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Protect Her and We'll Protect You: World Oceans Day

Saturday is World Oceans Day

100% Sales from SweetLife Business System Program go to #surfriderfoundation today - and everyday!

(Yes! we do this 365 days a year actually!)

I grew up in a culture where life revolved around the ocean. When I was 6, my stepdad starting waking me at 5 am for #dawnpatrol We'd throw on our suits, grab our boards and bundle up in our sweats and Uggs, jump into the Jeep (top off) and drive into the foggy, dark California morning looking for the best waves.

As I got older I understood more about how the ocean affected everything we do and love. The good and the bad... and I learned how little most people actually know about it.

We'd watch newbie Hawaii tourists walking on the reefs and stealing her treasures, killing the water with oily lotions and leaving their garbage in the sand.

Many people love the idea of the ocean, more than the ocean itself. They love the sun, the water and the sunsets, but are not willing to sacrifice for her. They are takers, and...

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Xo, April