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Growth vs Scale: What’s The Difference and Why Is It Important

Today, we're going to talk about a topic that often confuses many entrepreneurs: the difference between growing and scaling your coaching business. While these two terms may seem similar, they actually have distinct differences in their approach and outcomes. So, let's dive in and explore the nuances between growing and scaling your coaching business.

At first you may think that growing and scaling are the same thing - after all, they both involve making your business bigger, right? Well, not exactly. While both growing and scaling involve expanding your coaching business, they differ in their focus and methods.

When it comes to growing your coaching business, the main objective is to increase its size - be it in terms of revenue, customer base, or market share. Growing your business often requires investing in more time, people, resources, and infrastructure to accommodate the increased demand. For instance, you might hire more employees, invest in more advertising and...

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