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How to Build Your First Digital Marketing Funnel

An important aspect of any company operation is its marketing efforts. Companies market themselves in order to build brand awareness and turn leads into customers. But in most cases, these leads may not become customers right away, and they may need more time to get to know your brand and what you have to offer.

This is where a digital marketing funnel will be essential to your company. A marketing funnel is a great way to improve your sales as it will allow you to build some sort of relationship with your customers.

A marketing funnel is a series of online pages and actions that bring new users into your site so that you can capture their information and build a relationship with them for future sales.

A marketing funnel should not be confused with a sales funnel. Even though the structures of both tools are the same, the end results of each are what makes them fundamentally different. A marketing funnel is used to generate leads for future sales and a sales funnel is used as a...

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