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What is a Signature Offer, Course or Program and Why Does Your Company Need One?

What is a signature offer? 

A signature offer or program is a process that you create from your intellectual property that gives your clients transformational results. That offer also allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your space. It is important to note that no matter where you are in your business, your company needs a signature offer as it will propel your business in your market and in your niche. 

Join the upcoming Your Signature Offer™ Live Masterclass here.

What a signature offer is and what it is not.

In order to gain the desired results from your signature offer, you need to ensure you are creating a true signature offer. In order to do that you need to know what a signature offer is and what it is not.

  • A signature offer extracts your expertise.
  • It is derived from your intellectual property. This will include your experience in your particular area. So this will not only include your wins but also your losses and how you overcame those...
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Online Business Launch Tips and Revenue Streams

online business launch Mar 23, 2020
I know there is a rush to get online and launch a business.  I completely understand. And personally, I believe that an online business is one of the absolute best choices that someone can make. 
But I meet a lot of business owners who’ve worked hard to build the wrong kind of business.  And I don’t want that for you.
My intention is for you to move forward mindfully and in a smart way that works with your life, aligns with your brand, and establishes your business as a leader. 
Online businesses are the new frontier of entrepreneurship but that’s not telling you anything that you don’t already know. But you’ve got to know how to establish your business and how to position yourself strategically in the online space.
I don’t  want you to jump in blindly.  I don’t  want you to waste your time.  And time is money so don't waste your money.
With that in mind there are...
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Xo, April