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6 Steps to Grow an Online Business and Build an Empire Without Paid Ads

We were extremely lucky to chat with Lorraine Dallmeier about her journey into entrepreneurship and her six steps to building an online empire without using paid ads.

An award-winning CEO of formula Botanica, the organic cosmetic formulation, and business school, which has trained over 13,000 organic cosmetic formulators and ND beauty entrepreneurs in 177 countries.

She was voted the most influential person in natural beauty for 2020 and was awarded the digital achiever of the year for the cosmetics industry by Google.


Lorraine, can you give everybody an introduction, share who you are, how you started out, and explain this amazing online empire that you have built?

I'm Lorraine. I run formula Botanica, I'm a biologist, I'm a chartered environmentalist and I am on a mission to teach the world to formulate.

I run formula Botanica, the online organic cosmetic formulation school, training people how to make their own natural skincare and haircare using botanical ingredients.


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How to License Your Online Course, Program, or Content to Increase Profit and Revenue

By April Beach 

Licensing your online courses, programs, and content is one of the best ways to exponentially increase profit and revenue in your online business.

But you may be wondering what licensing actually is.

Licensing is creating content for other companies to use so that they can grow faster, make more money, or provide better services and training for their people.

The Benefits of Licensing Your online Course, Program, or Content

  1. Licensing can help to establish you as a leader in your industry/niche/area of expertise.
  2. Licensing increases your credibility with your own audience - when your audience knows that other companies are buying your content they are assured of your ability to get them results.
  3. Licensing enables exponential scalability - you are now able to reach more people more easily as your name and expertise spread in new circles.
  4. Licensing enables an easy transition into new target markets without starting from scratch - you have the backing of existing...
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What is a Signature Coaching Offer, Course or Program and Why Does Your Company Need One?

What is a signature coaching offer? 

A leading offer or program is a process that you create from your intellectual property that gives your clients transformational results. That offer also allows you to establish yourself as an expert in your space. It is important to note that no matter where you are in your business, your company needs a leading offer as it will propel your business in your market and in your niche. 

Join the upcoming Offer Engineering Live Masterclass here.

What a leading offer is and what it is not.

In order to gain the desired results from your leading offer, you need to ensure you are creating a true leading offer. In order to do that you need to know what a leading offer is and what it is not.

  • A leading offer extracts your expertise.
  • It is derived from your intellectual property. This will include your experience in your particular area. So this will not only include your wins but also your losses and how you overcame those losses.
  • Your...
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Should You Pivot Your Business Right Now?

Pivot is the hot word right now for all businesses, and for good reason. Every business owner that I have spoken with lately knows that if there has ever been a time to make a shift, IT’S RIGHT NOW.

This is also easier said than done. I get that, and that is why I am so compelled to help you make the short-term changes you may need to make right now in order to have long-term business success.

I know it isn’t that you are reluctant to pivot or shift.  It’s that you are probably wondering what to do. You may be feeling lost, stuck, or just plain scared of doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.

It comes down to this: YOUR MINDSET. Listen, you’ve heard this before, but your mindset truly is the driving force behind the success or failure of really anything that you go after in life.  

Knowing where you are in regards to your mindset is the first step in taking the action that will help you make the pivot you need to make in your...

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Xo, April