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How to Self Publish Your Book to Grow Your Business

One of the ways that I grew one of my first companies was by self publishing a book, and it was really powerful. As a matter of fact, this book sold copies everywhere.

Still to this day, that company, the secondary business that I own called Baby Planner Inc. leads the industry in business consulting for companies that market to new and expecting families. 

And the reason why I still have that reach and notoriety in that space is because I started out by self publishing a book on my expertise in that niche.

But here is the deal. I made a ton of mistakes that ended up costing me a lot of money and time. I don;t want that for you. I want you to grow your business without the headaches and stress that I went through. So we are diving in exactly how you can self publish your very own book.

The best part about this strategy is that it will work for all types of businesses, and it does not matter where you are in your business development stage. 

How will writing a book...

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Xo, April